Opportunity of a lifetime!

May 20, 2024

Best decision we ever made, to join AreaScouts, to help the kids in our community that cannot afford programs like this.

Keith Higgins

Game changer opportunity if you love coaching.

November 6, 2023


Ive been with area scouts since the beginning. The biggest pros I have seen with this company is its support. Ihad the ceo himself put together 3 partnerships for me. I still work with all 3 of them. and its generated me enough money over the years to have my wife stop working and be home with our children. a+ for what it has done for us.


most people are lazy. and developing kids not for the lazy. I have seen other coaches try to work outside of my area, and they end up coming to me in the end. because they just dont care like I do. This program can make some serious money for people. if they are not lazy.

Advice to Management

I am still hoping that you add a feature to allow me to push a single button when we have a rain-out. Im sometimes in the car when this happens. and ide like to let the kids and parent know a little quicker when we get washed out

Certified Athlete Evaluator - Silverton,CO

Finally given the opportunity to work for myself with out joining an MLM

October 28, 2023


Given Extensive training to give assessments The company puts out CRM. and ads to hel me Unique athlete development software Able to make my hours Lots of networking Working for something I believe in


It is time consuming in th beginning.

Coach - Omaha, NE

I have been looking for an opportunity like this for over 20+ years.

June 5, 2023

I have been looking for an opportunity like this for over 20+ years. Your entire staff has made this such an amazing experience. Sports has always been a huge part of my life, but I could never find anything that I could make a living doing. I just wanted to say thank you, this means the world to me and my family.
